The revered Art of the West magazine features the extraordinary realist Sue Krzyston in their November/December 2022 issue with an article "Light is Everything" by Vicki Stavig who takes a look at the journey of this award-winning artist and shines a light on her process of arriving at those complex compositions that lead the eye all around the warm and color-filled paintings of Krzyston's own artifact collection. As the eye further examines the details of the artwork, the artist's developed self-taught layering and glazing techniques of each bead and surface jumps off the canvas with a remarkable 3-D quality.
More information at Art of the West magazine (
A Visual Harvest by Sue Krzyston, 12 x 16 oil by Sue Krzyston available at Mountain Trails Gallery Sedona
Alive with History by Sue Krzyston, 24 x 30 oil available at Mountain Trails Gallery Sedona