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American Art Collective features wildlife sculptor Jeremy Bradshaw

On The American Art Collective Podcast #246, contemporary wildlife sculptor Jeremy Bradshaw is featured in a fascinating interview about his uncommon journey to becoming an artist. The interviewer takes Bradshaw back to his childhood fascination with animals, including snakes, and his love of all wild critters. So much of Bradshaw's background throughout his life has not only been his love of animals, but has also been his fascination with the specialty of falconry, even making the hoods for the raptor's training into a business. After the ironic disavowing of working with the medium of ceramics, the interview also covers Bradshaw's sensory experience of picking up oil-based clay that is often used by sculptors, and that sensation opened the possibility of his wondering about being an artist. Even after the artist's 'muse' keep opening door after door and prompting him, it took a bit longer before he put his whole direction ("sink or swim") into creating fine art sculpture. Even through his time spent as an artist has been less than most, it is his intention and intensity to create an experience he recalls from his childhood that he hopes to bring to others, and that is the moment of closeness he felt with animals in the wild, that relatable feeling, even if it is only an imagined experience.

The salient feature of a bronze work of art by Jeremy Bradshaw certainly is his being able to translate that intention into creating a moment of closeness with a variety of wildlife, even if one's world is not privy to the real thing. He loves to see that others are drawn to touching his sculpture, which is also recognized for its smoothness and exceptional patinas.  A shorter background of direct experience as an artist and yet a most intense immersion into the artform, with remarkable guidance along the way from artists, galleries, and his supportive wife, has brought Jeremy Bradshaw's wildlife sculpture to the attention of major shows and galleries. Mountain Trails Gallery Sedona is proud to exhibit the work of this talented contemporary wildlife sculptor.

Cinnamon Roll (Limited edition bronze, 5.5"h x 7"w x 8"d) by Jeremy Bradshaw available at Mountain Trails Gallery Sedona


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