Western Art Collector's April issue previews the new exhibition at Mountain Trails Gallery Sedona which features a variety of styles, subjects, and interests for collectors in "Color Up: Highlights of the Spectrum." "Several of our artists create work that is bold in technique with complex brushwork and dramatic color, and we have artists who specialize in the mastery of nuance using a spectrum of subtle color and methods," spoke Julie R. Williams, Director. "This exhibition also "reveals where and how the featured artists find joy and pleasure in their daily lives, the subjects and sights that fascinate them, and those that give them pause."
"Northers Arizona's Red Rock Country is a dazzling, ever-changing display of color, light and shadow that attracts people from all over the world."--Western Art Collector
Subscribe and read more in their April 2023 issue.
IMAGE: Red's Reach by Jeremy Bradshaw, bronze edition of 25, 9 x 45 x 14 available at Mountain Trails Gallery Sedona